Our Programs
TEP: Transitional Employment Pathways
TEP reintegrates individuals experiencing significant barriers to employment back into the workforce by providing subsidized wages and dignified work and skill development opportunities through a 3-phased approach.
Phase 1, HIRE Crew, is a low barrier access point to work. The only requirement is that participants have a true desire and willingness to start working again. HIRE Crew offers local businesses no-cost services that provide meaningful work for participants while addressing the negative stigma that is often associated with individuals experiencing homelessness.
Phase 2, Skill Development, helps participants learn new skills while earning a wage. Participants are offered the option of a paid internship in the community or they can move into Valeo’s 12-week, paid Custodial Training Program offering a combination of in-classroom and on-the-job training.
Phase 3, Full-time Employment, is the final phase of TEP, providing permanent living-wage opportunities to participants. Participants continue to meet with a comprehensive case manager, addressing their individualized needs and helping them to sustain both their employment while continuing to overcome barriers, increase life skills, and successfully move forward in their lives.

BFET: Basic Food & Employment Training
Individuals seeking full-time employment may also qualify for BFET assistance through Valeo.
Through a partnership between Valeo and the Department of Human Services, BFET reduces barriers and connects participants who are eligible to receive state benefits to community resources, vocational training opportunities, financial counseling, and mentorship — leading to personal agency and self-sustainability. BFET participants are those seeking new skill development, job search training, employment barrier reduction, and those who need help identifying and building a pathway towards a living-wage career.