In the past 5 years, Valeo Vocation has catalyzed lasting change by shifting narratives, challenging stigma, stewarding collaboration, and fiercely prioritizing the holistic care of our community.
The National Alliance to End Homelessness and the Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness currently estimate over 6,500 people connected to the homelessness crisis response system. This number only continues to grow. To address this devastating reality, the City of Tacoma and Pierce County sought solutions and partners to ensure that community members find housing while also addressing the factors that drive homelessness. The 2023 Point-In-Time Count illustrates that unemployment, as well as mental illness, chronic health conditions, substance use disorder, physical disability, developmental disability, family crisis, lack of affordable housing, eviction, and foreclosure as the leading factors causing homelessness in the community. Valeo Vocation is a significant contributor to the County’s efforts to mitigate street homelessness by providing quick access to income paired with the case management services to ready our most vulnerable to find and sustain work. Valeo programs thoroughly assess individuals at intake and guide them along the best fitting avenue to overcome, with a trauma informed approach at the forefront of all interactions. Regardless of the obstacle, including all listed in the count, Valeo can and does provide appropriate care and next steps. Valeo programs are multi-faceted, extremely tailorable, and do not force anyone to take on anything they are not ready for while still encouraging steady growth.
Transitional Employment Pathways Outcomes

In addition to Transitional Employment, Valeo staff run several other programs to skill and house the vulnerable in our community. These include Journey2Jobs, Pre-Trial Pathways, Basic Food Employment and Training, and the operation of various shelters such as the Beacon Young Adult Shelter, Shiloh Baptist Men’s Retreat, Calyx Community Workforce Attainable Housing, Dream House Shared Housing, an annual warming shelter, and others as needs arise, facilitated through partnerships with organizations including the following: