Valeo’s Purpose:
To combat poverty and homelessness in Pierce County by offering quick access to income combined with wrap-around support to help participants create a well-defined path towards permanent employment and housing.
Our Services:
Quick Income Access
We offer low-barrier employment opportunities in Industrial/ Construction, Non-Profit and Custodial fields.
Case Management/ Mentorship
Our participants receive barrier-reduction support before, during, and after employment placement with a continual focus on long-term success.
Unique Programming
Valeo’s Model:
Transitional Employment
Transitional employment at an employment social enterprise allows people to build their skills and confidence in a supportive environment while they are earning a wage.
Support Services
The unique combination of a paying job and vital support makes the difference. Services might include help with childcare, housing, record expungement, transportation, financial literacy and mental health counseling.
Job Readiness
Employment social enterprises support employees with job readiness skills to foster positive job placement outcomes. This support might include interview prep, job research assistance, and resume building.
Competitive Employment
After exiting an employment social enterprise, people transition into unsubsidized competitive employment.
To bolster long-term success, support often continues after a participant is placed into competitive employment.