Ending houselessness is going to take work.

Our name defines our values.

Valeo /'va.le.o/: Latin, meaning strong, well, healthy, having worth

Vocation: employment for which a person is suited and trained, and which is regarded as worthy and requiring dedication 


Employment With a Social Purpose

Valeo’s mission is to end homelessness for participants seeking full-time employment and permanent housing. We believe that every person has intrinsic value, and a special purpose for which they are uniquely suited. When a person is empowered in their purpose, they are contributing not only to their individual wellbeing, but making their entire community a better place.

Our vision- It is proven that the DIGNITY, LOVE, and COMMUNITY that one experiences through earning an income is enough to fuel the first flames of hope, and that hope can ignite transformational change; empowering individuals as they move towards full-time employment and permanent housing.

For Job Seekers

We provide individuals in Tacoma and Pierce County who are experiencing homelessness with: 

  • An opportunity to earn a wage, escaping unemployment and homelessness 

  • Case management to navigate support systems and reduce barriers to employment 

  • Supportive services to enhance success in the workplace 

For Employers

We provide businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies with:

  • A trained and ready work force on demand 

  • Expanding labor supply in a tight market, at competitive labor rates 

  • Convenient invoicing; Valeo Vocation takes care of HR and payroll 

For Community

We reduce homelessness in our communities through an innovative social enterprise that sustainably provides 80% of gross revenue needed to operate.